Monday, May 5, 2008

Henry the Man Child

Henry closes the door on his paper clips
And paints orange clouds and God’s eyes.
Numbers settle but oils roam but this is someone

Henry is sorry for all the melted Oreos on the countertop.
He is sorry for his blonde and black curls and the marker
All over his hands which isn’t just purple but a true
Tyranian Indigo.

He loves his bright toy trucks and UFO stickers.
He loves his cheerios with almonds and chocolate
Syrup: cheerios for breakfast, cheerios for lunch,
Cheerios for dinner and il dolce.

Henry hates his magnetic nametag. He hates
His striped blue uniform and the smell of his
Matching blue socks. He hates his bright blue
Wig, his bright blue smile -

Henry is a blue clown.

What does it take to settle somewhere?
Age is so confusing.


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