Wednesday, August 6, 2008


i'm so anxious that my throat hurts
Just holding up my head makes my neck hurt
From kicking hard my legs hurt
And when it's hard my head hurts.

I've lost my glasses so my eyes hurt
When I run this fast my heart hurts
My heart hurts when I see the things
I've been seeing
It never stops because
When I sleep I'm always dreaming

But I get sick when I think of going home
And eating right and resting right and
being alright isn't being right
when it isn't right right here
where it rains every tuesday night
a few blocks away
where there's news on every night
that sounds exactly the same
From yesterday night's news
and every night's news
so there's no new news
there's screaming every night
and they're not my screams
so why don't I just shut the hell up.